A little something

It's Christmas so I leave here a little something:

Those Barren Leaves rehearsing "The Mountain" at the end of 1995.


free direct download

Misery Lab - VaporWare EP (2007)
[Carbon Digital]

Do you remember Porl King? Rosetta Stone?
Go to his MySpace and download for free his new 4track EP.
Great music as we would expect from him.

[In case you don't know and I didn't. I downloaded the tracks before I new they were for free with a Firefox addon and they were 96kbps!... But if you have a MySpace user ID you can download the tracks easily with 256kbps...]

MiseryLab @ MySpace

01_No Cure For Life
02_Raze It To The Ground
03_All There Is
04_Romance Is Manipulation
mp3 256kbps; total:15'56"